Our Services
Analyze your current portfolio to ensure that the mix of asset classes is consistent with your financial objectives. We evaluate your risk tolerance as well as your investment time horizon to determine the appropriate asset allocation. Because Scipione Wealth Advisors is an independent advisor, we do not offer any proprietary investment programs. We have several investment management relationships as a result of our own extensive due diligence. As a result of holding these firms to the highest standards of professionalism, they are accountable and always put our client's interests first. Some of these relationships are traditionally not available through the typical wire-house or brokerage firms.
Identify your “protection” needs then provide customized insurance products for life, disability as well as fixed and variable annuities. Once we have identified your shortfall, Scipione Wealth Advisors is licensed to offers products for life, disability and long term care insurance products, fixed and variable annuities, and other insurance products. In addition we have the ability thru relationships with allied professionals, to evaluate your homeowners and automobile policies to ensure that coverages are proper and premiums are competitive.
Provide professional income tax planning as part of our financial planning services and prepare income tax returns for individual clients for an additional fee. We have relationships with outside CPAs as a referral base for our small business clients.
Identify practical measures to fund the single most rewarding investment you can ever make, whether for your own child, grandchild, niece or nephew, or yourself. A good education empowers and enriches one in ways that are sometimes beyond measure: personal growth, relationships, and quality of life.
Scipione Wealth Advisors will provide the projections and planning towards the funding of education costs from private secondary schools thru graduate degrees. Educational vehicles such as 529 college Savings Plans, CESAs (Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts), UGMAs, are available to assist clients in accomplishing these goals.
In addition, through an alliance with College Aid Planning Associates, Inc. of Albany, NY, Scipione Wealth Advisors can assist in the EFC (estimated family contribution) calculation and the college financial aid process including the completion of the required financial aid forms.
Having determined the ownership of all assets & liabilities and listening to your wishes on how you would like to see your assets pass to beneficiaries, future generations, charities or institutions, we will recommend an estate planning attorney to assist you in coordinating your estate planning needs.
We have relationships with various law firms, large and small, in order to identify the right professional to assist you. Having considered the scope of work to be performed, we are sensitive to your budget, as well as the distance and proximity to the law firm assisting you.
Planning for one’s retirement is a very important piece of the financial planning picture. Clients want and need to know how much money to accumulate in order to retire at the age they plan to, and to be able to maintain the lifestyle they aspire to during retirement. Retirement planning also involves advising retired clients how to spend down assets in the most tax-efficient manner. During the process we assist clients in IRA distributions including distributions prior to age 70 ½, Required Minimum Distributions after 70 1/2, and the eventual transfer of assets to heirs at death.
A wide range of products are available in the form of IRAs (traditional and Roth), as well as defined benefit and defined contribution pension plan, 401(k), 403(b), and Simple IRA prototypes.